Jojo Moyes says: “I hadn’t planned to write a sequel to Me Before You. But working on the movie script, and reading the sheer volume of tweets and emails every day asking what Lou did with her life, meant that the characters never left me. It has been such a pleasure revisiting Lou and her family, and the Traynors, and confronting them with a whole new set of issues. As ever, they have made me laugh, and cry. I hope readers feel the same way at meeting them again.”
How do you move on after losing the person you loved? How do you build a life worth living?
Louisa Clark is no longer just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life. After the transformative six months spent with Will Traynor, she is struggling without him. When an extraordinary accident forces Lou to return home to her family, she can’t help but feel she’s right back where she started.
Her body heals, but Lou herself knows that she needs to be kick-started back to life. Which is how she ends up in a church basement with the members of the Moving On support group, who share insights, laughter, frustrations, and terrible cookies. They will also lead her to the strong, capable Sam Fielding—the paramedic, whose business is life and death, and the one man who might be able to understand her. Then a figure from Will’s past appears and hijacks all her plans, propelling her into a very different future. . . .
For Lou Clark, life after Will Traynor means learning to fall in love again, with all the risks that brings. But here Jojo Moyes gives us two families, as real as our own, whose joys and sorrows will touch you deeply, and where both changes and surprises await.
After You is quintessential Jojo Moyes—a novel that will make you laugh, cry, and rejoice at being back in the world she creates. Here she does what few novelists can do—revisits beloved characters and takes them to places neither they nor we ever expected.
I have to admit while I was so excited to read After You that I hounded the publisher for a copy, I was also extremely nervous. I was just coming off reading Me Before You, yes I know I was late to the game but in all honesty I was afraid of this book but loved it, and I was nervous that After You wouldn’t live up to it’s predecessor. Well it did but in a different sort of way. I do not want to spoil anything for you so I will keep this brief. I have read some HUGE spoilers in regards to Me Before You and I don’t want to do that, but I must say that you HAVE to read Me Before You first. This is not a stand alone. After You was a wonderful book about loss and growth and really learning to love again. While Me Before You was a tear your heart out and rip you to shreds kind of book, I found After You to be a roller coaster also but just not as gut wrenching. It was definitely a book about closure and it will leave you feeling at peace.
4 Stars
♥ Sophie