Excerpt of The Devil’s Contract by Claire Contreras


release day for THE DEVIL’S CONTRACT by Claire Contreras! We have an excerpt to

share with you today and we are the FIRST stop of the excerpt chain! The

group’s are listed below.


Author: Claire Contreras

Age group: Adult

Genre: Dark Contemporary Romance

Cover Design: Najla Qamber





He gave them a choice.

She took it.

He made her promise two years.

She should have known there was a catch.



Amara’s hands were shaking as she clocked in at

work. She didn’t stop feeling as though she was walking on eggshells until

there was still no sign of Philip after she’d served her fourth customer of the

night. She was breathing easily when the next customer walked in. Amara picked

up a menu and walked over to her, putting on her brightest smile as she


“Good afternoon. I’m Amara

and I’ll be your server today,” she said.


woman looked up at her from under the brim of a large straw hat with big, red

roses on the side.  The woman gave

her a knowing look, appraising her for a moment longer than natural.  Self-conscious, Amara had to look away,

pretending she was looking toward the kitchen.


Maloof, you may want to take a seat,” the woman said.

Amara’s head snapped to

the woman, who was gesturing to the empty booth in front of her. The woman was

probably in her late forties, so she could have been a friend of the family.

She did look familiar, even though Amara couldn’t pinpoint where she knew her

from, but still… there was something.


“Do I know you?” Amara

asked, crinkling her eyebrows.

The woman raised an

eyebrow and cocked her head. It was the mannerism that hit Amara like a dodge

ball. She was the woman that had been beside Philip the other night. Amara

began to tug on her apron nervously. A look behind her confirmed that she could

still see Kyle in the kitchen. Finally, realizing she needed to hear what the

woman had to say, Amara let out a deep breath and slid into the booth. Her

shaky hands wrung together on her lap as she met the woman’s eyes.





the Author:

Claire Contreras graduated with her BA in Psychology from Florida

International University. She was born in the Dominican Republic and raised in

Miami, Fl, where she currently resides with her husband, two boys, and two

American Bulldogs.

Life is short, and it’s more

bitter than sweet, so she tries to smile as often as her face allows. She

enjoys stories with happy endings, because life is full of way too many unhappy


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Group 1

Shh Moms Reading            http://www.shhmomsreading.com

Books Over Boys            http://booksoverboys.blogspot.com

Bridger Bitches Book Blog            https://bridgerbitchesbookblog.com

Books to Breathe            http://bookstobreathe.com

Keep Calm & Read Romance            http://keepcalmandreadromance.blogspot.com

Group 2

A Bookish Escape            http://www.abookishescape.com

Devoured Words            http://devouredwordsbookblog.blogspot.com

Kindle Crack Book Reviews            http://www.kindlecrack.net

Booklovers For Life            http://bookloverslaceycat.wordpress.com/

mustreadbooksordie            http://www.mustreadbooksordie.com/

Group 3

deal sharing aunt            http://www.dealsharingaunt.blogspot.com

Sassy Savvy Fabulous            http://www.sassysavvyfabulous.com

Prisoners of Print            http://www.prisonersofprint.wordpress.com

Nicely Phrased            http://nicelyphrasedbookblog.com/

Mean Girls Luv Books            meangirlsluvbooks.blogspot.com

Group 4

Whirlwindbooks            http://www.whirlwindbooksandreviews.com

Mixed Emotions Book Blog            http://www.mixedemotionsbookblog.blogspot.com

The Romance Cover            http://www.TheRomanceCover.com

Kindle and Me            http://www.kindleandme.com

Madison Says            http://madisonsays.com

Group 5

Sassy Mum Book Blog            http://sassymumbookblog.blogspot.com.au/

Group Therapy Book Club Blog & Review            http://www.grouptherapybookclub.blogspot.com

My Secret Romance            http://www.mysecretromancebookreviews.com/

Bright Autumn Sun            http://www.siren.org

Shelly’s Book Corner            http://shellysbookblog.wordpress.com/


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