Title: CUT TOO DEEP by KJ Bell
Release Date: May 27, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Two things are certain in life for Hadley Walker… When you love someone, they will hurt you. If you trust someone, they will disappoint you.
Orphaned, alone, and abused for most of her twenty-six years, Hadley lives in a world without hope.
Unsure if she’s capable of love, Hadley guards her feelings closely. Her only relationship exists in the fantasies she has for a man she feels a mysterious connection to, only her heart knows better than to explore any feelings she has for Miller Genetti.
When Miller is detained abroad, he somehow receives a letter Hadley never intended to mail. Though they’ve never spoken face to face, Hadley and Miller develop feelings for each other. It’s all on paper, not real. Or so Hadley thinks, until Miller is released, and shows up on her doorstep to declare his love.
Soon after they passionately unite, the nightmares from Miller’s captivity and the terror of Hadley’s childhood clash. When Hadley’s name is discovered on a flash drive belonging to a human trafficking ring, secrets are revealed that threaten to rip the new couple apart.
Cut too deep is an emotional journey of a broken girl, struggling to overcome abuse, and accept the love she desperately wants, but isn’t convinced she deserves.