Title: Shattered (Stolen Breaths #2)
Author: Pamela Sparkman and Deanna Gohn
Age: Adult
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Scheduled Release Date: 10/14/14
Close your eyes for a moment and picture this.
A gorgeous redhead walks into a bar.
No, wait, a wedding reception.
A gorgeous redhead walks into a wedding reception. Poised, polished and flawless – on the outside.
He’s tall, dark, and handsome, exactly like a fairytale prince and he won’t take no for an answer as he leads her to the dance floor.
But this will be no ordinary dance and theirs is no ordinary story. What begins as rhythmic steps on a dance floor fluidly and beautifully becomes the rhythm of two hearts meant to beat as one.
Until the music stops.
In a moment everything she’s put behind her comes crashing down, threatening to destroy what his love has helped repair and rebuild.
Life throws punches and it hits hard when you least expect it.
What they learn is that sometimes, in order to be truly whole, you have to first be shattered to your very core.
About the author
I grew up in Alabama and have always been an avid reader. I had a stack of those Little Golden Books and I can remember reading Three Little Kittens over and over and over again. It was my favorite.
Fast forward and the older I got the more in love with books I became. So, I’m admitting that I am a huge nerd. The only reading I don’t like are those math word problems. And I’m okay with that because no one has ever asked me in real life… “If I give you two bananas and take away six apples, how long will it take the southbound train to collide with the northbound train if Johnny left his house at midnight?” It just doesn’t happen.
So, yeah, books are my thing.
and music. All kinds. Love.It.
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