Title: The Viper’s Bite
Series: The Viper Series #3
Author: Kirsty-Anne Still
Release Date: Fall 2014
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The third and final book in The Viper Series.
When a red-eyed, disheveled Joely arrives back on the doorstep of The Viper Rooms, what is The Boss to do?
Turn away a girl she once had high hopes for or give her another chance?
Having felt robbed of seeing Joely reach her full potential, Clara decides to test her once head Viper Girl, but when Joely gives Clara a chance to have what she’s wanted, The Boss is left with a tough decision.
“Clara,” I murmur, trying to find conviction in my own voice. “I want to be like you. I want to never feel love again.”
Will Clara Delvine give up the chance to have her own protégée?
And is the seduction of opportunity too much to be passed up or has she met her match?
After all, can The Boss trust her Runaway Viper?
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