Cover Reveal ~ When Love Calls by Anja Pruitt

When Love Calls Cover



At my age, you’d think love and marriage would be on my radar. Yet, those thoughts had evaded me until now—until they came along.

Who knew two men could come in and demolish everything I thought would be my life. Now I can’t get them out of my head. It would have been fine if things were just physical—physical I can handle. It’s love and relationships that get in the way.

Love made me change. Relationships made me cheat. Now I’m here at this crossroads and all I can say is, “What now?”



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Anja Pruitt—singer, songwriter, thespian and part-time stand-up comedian decided to try her hand at writing! Yep, I’ve put down the mike and picked up a pen (well, actually a laptop but pen sounds so much better)! I am overjoyed to share my first novel with all of you. Writing it has been the most freeing, scary and brave thing I’ve ever done. Thanks for the support!



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